Spring Cleaning

Whether you are thinking of selling now or in the future, there is no better time to get into a thorough clean out  than in spring,  when you feel more energised and enthusiastic.       And there’s no better feeling than coming home to a clean house!

You could plan this for a free day on a  weekend or the whole weekend when you can  clean and organize top to bottom or break it up to a few jobs per day.

Spring cleaning is a perfect opportunity to rid your home of the “stuff” you can live without.      Its also great to involve the whole family in the decision making of items to stay or go.         I can’t stress this enough—your whole family will feel the benefits of rooms and spaces that can breathe, so before you even start the cleaning, get five trash bags and start filling them with items your family has outgrown or no longer needs.

  1. Sort and Clean out wardrobes & cupboards     –   If you don’t love it, toss it.       Trash anything that is broken and serves no purpose and donate  items  in good condition to local charity organisations.    Decide to Reduce, Reuse & Recycle  and you’ll feel much better before you even start.
  2. Sort and clean out the pantry –    Use your culinary skills to creative terrific meals based on what is left in the pantry!!
  3. Take time to clean all of your curtains, pillows, bed covers that may not have been done all winter.    Reduce superflous items in the linen cupboard.
  4. Clean items always forgotten –  like the phone and the remote control!

Tips  to “get in the zone”

  • Have  a list and plan the jobs to complete
  •  Light candles  &  turn on a good playlist
  • Put on a cleaning apron and ensure you’re stocked with your microfibre cloths and other cleaning supplies you’ll need – preferably natural and chemical free – to make the job easier.


Get into your garden – thin out the weeds, trim the hedges, the  bushes and lay fresh mulch which will save on water during the hot summer months.

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Spring Cleaning